Les dossiers FORENSIC - Les preuves du feu
Playlist : http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-JbIn7sgQu3KGauEAGWttNU3ifCZiPNg&action edit=1 The acrid smell of burnt material is everywhere. But, it doesn't seem to bother Olivier Delemont. With his flashlight, he scrutinizes the soaking walls of the living room. Everything's dark and lugubrious. Traces of the inhabitants still remain. Here, what is left of an armchair, there a bed framing. This 32 year old Swiss is comfortable with it all. He turns back the ends of time to understand what happened. Patiently, he deciphers the signs that the fire left behind. Step by step he makes it tells its story. Criminologist and crime scene technician for the Geneva Police, Olivier is here to investigate the cause of the fire. Is it an accident ? Is it arson ? Is it an explosion, a back draft phenomenon, a spontaneous combustion ? Where did it start ? What funereal path did it take ? Thanks to his experience and his knowledge, Delemont is one of the most competent expert in Europe. He thinks...
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