Dossier Scheffer - Les arènes de la haine
Hooliganism is an extreme form of soccer fanaticism, the aim being to change the course of the match through violence and to shift the center of interest to the terraces. In so doing, it becomes a parallel competition. The fight against hooliganism began in England which was deprived of international competitions for 5 years. Violent supporters can be excluded from matches for 2 to 10 years and are obliged to report to police stations before kickoff time. These banning orders mean the exclusion of violent supporters from any match, at home or abroad. The phenomenon, which was only English at first, spread across the whole of Europe, including France of course, due to media coverage. In Paris, Paris St Germain's Boulogne Boys alone account for 60% of violence in sport. This kind of behavior also exists in Marseille with the South Winners, Bordeaux, Lyon, and St Etienne. And in each club, only a few hundred individuals are concerned. According to sociologists, there are two main types of supporters in Europe: the Ultra model and the British model. They then influence other European countries. Le hooliganisme est la dérive extrême du fanatisme au football. Faire basculer le sort de la rencontre par la violence et déplacer l'intérêt vers les gradins. (Cela devient une compétition parallèle). La lutte contre le hooliganisme commence en Angleterre, privée de compétition internationale pendant 5 ans. Les supporters violents peuvent être exclus de match pour une durée allant de 2 ...
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